
As your insurance adviser, we manage all claims on your behalf. We believe that the true test of the value and integrity of the relationship with your insurance adviser is the provision of fast and efficient claims service and advice.

Our claims philosophy is built on a number of key principles:

  • Act fairly in the interests of our clients in the event of a claim
  • Assist our clients in the claims lodgement process through to finalisation of the claim
  • Assist our clients to understand overly complex policy interpretations
  • Negotiate with your insurer to obtain the best outcome for you
  • Assist our clients to reduce the cost and the number of claims through effective risk management strategies and
  • Assist our clients throughout the whole claims process

In the event of a claim, we will:

  • Provide advice and assistance from start to finish with your claim
  • Advocate and negotiate with insurers on behalf of our clients to ensure they receive their full entitlements
  • Arrange for the loss assessor to be appointed where required
  • Arrange expert consultants including legal, accounting and claims preparation services where needed.
  • Provide advice to ensure you have received your full entitlements
  • Negotiate with your insurer to ensure the best outcome for you

What To Do:

Notification of claims

All losses or incidents which may result in a claim are to be reported as soon as practicable after the event to your Authorised Representative.

The first notification should be to us by telephone, e-mail or fax, or as circumstances dictate and should include the following information:

  • Description of incident
  • Date and Time
  • Location where circumstances originated
  • Estimate of loss
  • Action being taken to minimise loss

Loss minimisation

Action should be immediately taken to protect property from further damage but no action should be taken to repair damage until instructed by your Authorised Representative, Insurer or the Loss Adjusters.